Mr. Henry's log 08/14/2003:

There was bad news today in the search for the Florida Skunk Ape. The “ape” got away. :(

Screams of GOD BLESS AMERICA could be heard for miles (approximately 2 miles), presumably emitted by said “ape”.

My assistant, (Mr. Carty) fell down a hole and was left to die. A good time was had by most everyone.

Mr. Henry's log 01/19/2001:

Today we took a break from the search for the Florida Skunk Ape. We found ourselves viewing “art”

Screams of GOD BLESS AMERICA could be heard for miles (approximately 2 miles), presumably emitted by said “art”.

My assistant, (Mr. Jackson) fell down a hole and was left to die. A good time was had by most everyone.

Mr. Henry's log 12/31/2000:

There was bad news today in the search for the Florida Skunk Ape. The “ape” got away. :(

Screams of GOD BLESS AMERICA could be heard for miles (approximately 2 miles), presumably emitted by said “ape”.

My assistant, (Mr. Orwell) fell down a hole and was left to die. A good time was had by most everyone.

Mr. Henry's log 08/19/1008:

Today we had gotten email saying the Florida Skunk Ape did the time travel to the year 1008. WE did same but all we find is the giant “chicken”. The “ape” got away. :(

Screams of GOD BLESS AMERICA could be heard for miles (approximately 2 miles), presumably emitted by said “chicken”.

My assistant, (Mr. Fred) fell down a hole and was left to die. A good time was had by most everyone.

Mr. Henry's log 09/14/1998:

There was bad news today in the search for the Florida Skunk Ape. The “hot tip” comes to be “the hoax” by master “hoaxters” (cardboard, flashlights and old, soiled carpet). The “ape” got away. :(

Screams of GOD BLESS AMERICA could be heard for miles (approximately 2 miles), presumably emitted by said “hoaxters”.

My assistant, (Mr. Tim) fell down a hole and was left to die. A good time was had by most everyone.

Mr. Henry's log 07/01/1983:

There was bad news today in the search for the Florida Skunk Ape. There was just this black “thing” in a tree and a part of a thing on the ground. The “ape” got away. :(

Screams of GOD BLESS AMERICA could be heard for miles (approximately 2 miles), presumably emitted by said “thing”.

My assistant, (Mrs. Wolfe) fell down a hole and was left to die. A good time was had by most everyone.
